Monday 17 January 2011

Back Pain Essentials - What Do You Need To Do Now!

When you first suffer back pain, are you one of those people who wait to see how things go? Are you someone who lives in hope that your back pain will miraculously disappear overnight? Don't worry you are in good company as the majority of back pain sufferers do the same.

It is a common thing to do, because most back pain will settle by itself within a few weeks. But what if it doesn't?

Are there things you can do to make sure it disappears within a few days or even possibly within a few hours? After all who wants to wait and hope that your back pain will disappear after a few weeks anyway?

So what can you do?

One of the simplest things is to use ice. Yes plain cold ice. If you use ice in the first 48 hours most back pain will ease and disappear within that time, and sometimes within the day.

Now please remember, if you have had a fall or major injury, use ice - but use it on the way to see your doctor or hospital. It is still essential to be checked over, if you have had an injury that has led to back pain.

But let's assume it is a minor injury, you have spent too much time in the garden, lifted one too many pieces of wood, work too hard or something similar...

As soon as your back pain occurs, put ice on it. Ice works as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Most back pain initially loves ice. It will help it heal and remove pain quicker than anything else.

What you need to do is this...

Put ice on the area of pain; leave it on for ten minutes only. Then place heat on the area, again for ten minutes only. Then repeat this process and finally finish with ice for another ten minutes.

After 48 hours then finish with heat, as heat improves the blood supply and eases muscle tension. Most times you will not need to do this as your pain would have disappeared.

If you apply the ice/heat treatment every few hours, then within the day the majority of back pain will disappear. Even if it is a minor back pain issue, still use ice. It is people like you and me, who wait a few hours or days to "see how things go" who end up having pain for weeks.

Early intervention is the best approach for all back pain. Using ice is one simple technique you can use that can limit the time you spend in back pain.

This does not mean the process ends there. What you now need to do is learn ways to prevent your back pain occurring. Most back pain occurs not from large falls or injuries. It arrives after doing normal common everyday activities. Activities you have done a hundred times before. Yet today your back pain arrives.

For this to happen it means tension and stress on your muscles and joints has increased over days, weeks or months. Today is the day an overload occurs and back pain happens. Sure ice will ease your back pain now, but you need to learn simple and highly effective ways to remove and prevent back pain... permanently.

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert in the structural field, and has been in practice since 1991. His newly launched web site The Back Pain Advisor - - strives to give you valuable and expert advice, tips and information on your back pain isues.

For more information on back stretches, just visit Back stretches -

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Sunday 16 January 2011

Back Pain Medication - When You Need Help Now

With the millions of Baby Boomers now reaching retirement age, chronic back pain has become one of the most prevalent health issues which doctors are called upon to treat. If your back pain has reached the point where you think it is no longer manageable without back pain medication, you should educate yourself on the various back pain medications available. By doing so, you will be able to help your doctor settle on the appropriate back pain medication regimen for you.

Back pain medication, even for those who do not like the idea of using medication of any kind, may sometimes be necessary. Unless you decrease your back pain enough to regain mobility, your entire body will lose conditioning and you will have a very difficult time becoming active again once the condition causing your back pain has subsided.

Types Of Back Pain Medication

There are several families of back pain medication, both over-the-counter and prescription. They include anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, opioids, and acetaminophen.

Some of the most traditional and common forms of back pain medication are anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, opioids and muscle relaxants. Acetaminophen is the "official' name for Tylenol, Phenaphen, and Anacin-3, and its analgesic properties make it very useful as back pain medication.

Anti-inflammatories stimulate the healing process and reduce pain and swelling. Naproxen, ibuprofen, and even humble aspirin are anti-inflammatories, and are effective as back pain medication because they can ease inflamed spinal nerves.

Opioids are appropriate only in the most severe cases of back pain; they are morphine derivatives and extremely addictive. But for those who have chronic, untreatable back pain, the may be a last resort back pain medication. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

Muscle relaxants are used to treat those whose back muscles have gone into spasm as they try to protect an injured area. One of the most common causes of back pain comes from back muscles which attempt to do the job of injured tissue and end up becoming stressed themselves.

A muscle relaxant is a back pain medication [] which will target the back muscles in spasm and get them to release their tension; once they are relaxed, not only will the back pain be decreased significantly, the muscles will once again work properly so that you will be mobile enough to begin back exercises, or have chiropractic manipulation.

While back pain medication is not the answer to back pain, it can certainly be an effective aid in helping a back pain sufferer heal enough to treat the real cause of the his or her problem. pain so you can start to heal.

You can also find more information at Lower Back Pain [] and Neck And Back Pain []. is a comprehensive resource to help in Back Pain Relief.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Back Pain In Children - Go To The Root Cause

Children suffer from many diseases and disorders in their childhood days, but chronic back pain is a rare disorder that is found in them. The general cause of a child's back pain is an injury or sitting and standing in bad postures. But if there occurred no injury and still your child is suffering from a consistent back pain, do you know what to do? Well, your child needs an immediate medical attention.
Back pain in children not just come with a constant and harrowing pain, but is also accompanied with many other symptoms like high fever, loss of weight, behavioral changes, weakness, sleeplessness and nausea. You need to keep a constant tap on any of these symptoms and report immediately to a nearby doctor if the conditions do not improve.
The only way to get to the root of your child's back pain is with a proper medical attention. You should get a spine X-ray test done and find out the accurate cause of the suffering. Right diagnosis will only lead to a right treatment. The other tests that may help you find the reasons of back pain are MRI, a bone scan, CT scan, blood tests and ESR.
Your child can suffer due to back pain due to the following reasons:
Bad Postures: Children have a habit to sit in bad postures while studying, reading, eating and watching TV. It is the biggest cause of back pain in children. You need to take a regular notice of that and correct your child whenever he follows a bad posture.
Injuries: Injuries remain the most common cause of back pain in children. A minor fall can cause a muscle pull or even strain a ligament. If not taken seriously, the problem can aggravate. Pain due an injury can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicines, effectively. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is commonly used. But these medicines should be under the medical supervision of a good doctor only.
Spondylolysis: Over five per cent of children suffer due to back pain that falls in this category of spondylolysis. In this disease there occurs a fracture in the lower vertebra of the spinal cord. If not taken care of properly, the pain may aggravate. In such situations, surgery and bracing remains the last option. The problem with this disorder is that, in children it does not come up with any symptoms. Therefore sometimes it becomes difficult to find out if the child is suffering from this disorder.
Herniation of the disk: Herniated disk is a rare cause of back pain in children. If it occurs, it causes weakness and numbness in the child's body. The only treatment to this type of back pain is bed rest and surgery in rarest-of-rare cases.
Pott's Disease: This disease occurs due to TB of spine in children. The disorder can be cured with the administration of antibiotics like, third generation cephlaosporins and ceftriaxone.
Diskitis: This disorder occurs due to infections in the disk. Infection leads to high fever, back pain, muscle spasms coupled with behavioral irritability. If not taken care of the disorder at the early stages, there can occur acute complications in the later years of life. Treatment of this disorder includes bed rest coupled with a supervised course of antibiotics.
Pyelonephritis: If you were thinking that back pain could only occur due to some dysfunctionality in the spine, you were wrong. There also occurs a kidney infection that is a cause of back pain. In Pyelonephritis, children suffer due to a sharp pain that is usually on one side of the back. The pain is accompanied with high fever and nauseatic feelings. The child may also feel pain or a burning sensation while urinating.
Scheurman's kyphosis: This disorder is common in adolescents, especially males. The upper back takes a round shape, thus bending the whole spine. There are two forms of this disease. One is flexible kyphosis and the other is non-flexible kyphosis. The treatment requires bracing up of the back.
Spondylolisthesis: Children who suffer from spondylolysis have a slip of their 5th vertebra. The sacrum also dislocates. The severe cases of this disorder can only be corrected with a surgery.
Besides these, there are other causes of back pain in children. They are tumors or neoplasms, malnutrition, suffering due to trauma, muscle weakness, arthritis and some of the other infections. But theses reasons are generally rare.

To get more information visit causes of back pain, back pain treatment & []

Friday 14 January 2011

Back Pain Relief: Desired By All

Back pain relief is desired by most of us since back pain is a common phenomenon. Most of us suffer from back pain from one or the other point in our life, but a majority of us are unaware of the true reason or the cause of this ailment. A poor posture or a strain in the back muscles generally leads to pain. Activities such as lifting, bending and twisting can result in back pain. Although back pain may emerge suddenly, it may be caused by a problem which has plagued us for a long time.

Appropriate back pain relief can be provided only after finding out the exact cause or the identification of the situations that result in back pain. Back pain can be acute, recurrent or chronic. Most of the people suffering from back pain fall in the first category wherein the pain vanishes in about six weeks and home remedies prove to be very effective. In the case of the recurrent category, the pain reappears after some time while chronic pain lasts for a longer period of time.

Simple exercises or massage can provide adequate back pain relief in cases where the pain is not severe or is caused by a poor posture or a simple strain in the back muscles. However, in cases where the pain stays on for a longer time and is accompanied by other symptoms such as the difficulty in passing urine or numbness in the back or the genital area, weakness and a shooting pain in the leg or feeling unstable while standing, one should consult a specialist rather than rely on home medicines or remedies.

Bed rest is not an effective method to provide back pain relief. Evidence has shown that rest does not aid in the recovery of a person suffering from back pain. It is much better if we continue with our normal activities while taking some measures for relieving the pain.

Massage and regular exercise are the two effective methods of providing back pain relief. Yoga is considered to be one of the best ways to reduce back pain. However, some Yoga positions may aggravate the pain. So it is essential that we carry on these Yoga exercises under the supervision of a trained instructor. Many a times, non prescription medicines such as aspirin or other pain killers provide adequate back pain relief. Application of a cold pack or ice wrapped in a towel to the affected area for five to ten minutes also reduces the pain.

It is also essential that we avoid sudden movements which can hinder back pain relief. We also need to maintain a proper posture at all times and avoid slouching. It is said that prevention is the best cure. So it is important that we identify the various factors or activities that result in back pain and than try to restrict their happening. The best way to ensure adequate back pain relief is to identify and solve the factors causing the pain.

Paul Osborne is the executive editor of & Both sites offer a host of information, tips and advice for lower back pain relief.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Back Pain Treatment - Variety Of Options Available

Back pain occurs due to various causes and in 90% of the back pain cases, the pain disappears easily by various back pain treatment. However, proper medical advice and treatment is essential in cases where the pain persists for a long time.

Back pain treatment is effective if the exact cause is identified. The severity of back pain may vary from a dull ache to searing feeling. It may be due a strain in the muscles or an injury or problems like Osteoarthritis, arthritis, bone fracture or tumor or some infection. Although back pain may emerge suddenly, it may be caused by a problem, which has plagued us for a long time. It is essential that we identify the true cause of the back pain, if we want to eliminate or treat it fully.

A number of back pain treatment options are available for people suffering from back pain. However, the treatment may vary from person to person depending on the cause or the reason for the back pain. The exact nature of the pain and its severity can be judged by a specialist who will than suggest the most appropriate treatment.

Exercising is the best back pain treatment. It is a general notion that bed rest is the best cure for back pain. But evidence has shown that rest does not aid in the recovery of a person suffering from Back pain. It is much better if one carries on with normal activities while taking some measures for relieving the pain. The most recommended exercises for curing back pain are short walks, stretching exercises and swimming. However, it is advisable that one starts slowly and than gradually builds up the speed at which the various exercises are undertaken.

Application of a cold pack or a bag of ice to the back is also often recommended by the doctors. This form of treatment is generally used within the first 48 hours after the start of the back pain. A cold pack is generally applied for 5-10 minutes. Ice reduces the inflammation and swelling, numbs soft tissues, and slows nerve impulses in the injured area.

A large number of drugs are also used as back pain treatment that reduce the pain and are easily available in the market. However, many of them can have serious side effects and so should be taken only after consulting a physician. Several non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Naproxen®, Ketoprofen® are capable of reducing pain. These anti-inflammatory medications help in reducing the swelling and inflammation while healing the injured portion. Acute or chronic back pain may be treated by an anticonvulsant or an oral steroid.

Steroid injections are also effective in reducing the inflammation and the treatment of back pain caused by spinal stenosis, disc herniation, and degenerative disc disease. A steroid is injected directly into the membrane that surrounds the nerve roots (dura).

Other forms of back pain treatment include the massage therapy, the electrotherapy and the adjustment of the spine Chiropractors and osteopaths. Acupuncture may also prove to be effective in some cases. Finally surgery may be recommended in cases where the pain is not curable by any of the other forms of treatment.

Asheesh Mani is the Online Editor of Pregnancy Period. He has developed this site to provide valuable information to people suffering from back pain during pregnancy. This site enumerates different causes and factors related to back pain, guides through the different rules of exercise during pregnancy and suggests exercises for treatments of different types of back pain. The site is a free online resource for pregnancy back pain and its remedies. The visitors can also find valuable information and reviews about the different equipments and therapies for pregnancy back pain relief. Visit Pregnancy Back Pain for more information.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Back Pain: How to Avoid the Most Common Ailment in the World

Back pain is one of the world's most common ailments, afflicting most people at least once in their lifetime. There are several types of back pain and various options for back pain relief. Back pain becomes more likely the older we get due to the degenerative effects of aging. However, lifestyle choices and correct posture can make a huge difference in our chances for developing serious back pain.
Lower back pain is the most common type of back pain. One study reported that in the United States alone low back pain was responsible for the loss of 93 million workdays per year, with a health care cost of more than five billion dollars. Low back pain is most often caused by some sort of injury or overuse of your muscles. Most lower back pain clears up on its own in a few days. Rest, hot or cold compresses and over-the-counter medications are usually the only treatment required to provide low back pain relief.
Middle back pain can result from injury that strains the muscles or ligaments. This can occur when you've engaged in excessive exertion or heavy lifting. Middle back pain can also be caused by spinal conditions or other internal conditions. Any middle back pain that lasts longer than a few days or which is accompanied by other symptoms could be warning you of a serious condition. You should seek medical advice as soon as possible.
Upper back pain is fairly uncommon, though not unheard of. The upper back is actually quite different from the lower back both in the way it's put together and the functions it's designed to perform. The upper back is normally very strong. The strength of our upper back is how we are able to stand upright. It's also designed to provide protection for the vital organs located in our chest area. The upper back is extremely stable and has only limited mobility. This is why injuries and degeneration are rare in the upper back area. When upper back pain does occur, it's normally due to irritation of the muscles or joint problems. Herniated discs in the upper back region are extremely rare, though not impossible.
Chronic back pain is defined as back pain that has lasted for twelve weeks or longer. Chronic back pain can be irritating for some and agonizing for others. In some cases, the severity of chronic back pain makes normal life nearly impossible. As many as five million Americans report at least a partial disability due to chronic back pain, and an additional two million face pain so severe that they are unable to work.
Lifting heavy items improperly is the most common cause of back pain. Always remember: "lift with your legs, not with your back." Most medical professionals recommend sleeping on your side. A firmer mattress is better than a soft one. For added comfort, sleep with a pillow between your knees. When you reach for something on the ground, squat down to pick it up instead of bending at the waist.
Stretching exercises and maintaining flexibility is the best prescription for avoiding serious back pain. Your doctor should be able to recommend some good exercises. Surprisingly, you should also work to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Strong abs will reduce the strain on your back.
There's always the possibility that accidents will happen, and no one can avoid aging. But with attention to posture, caution when lifting and minor lifestyle changes, you should be able to significantly reduce your risk for severe back pain.

Eric Comforth writes on many health and mobility topics. For more information on Back Pain visit Back Pain Cures Online and banish your pain.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Find Out How You Can Have Lower Back Pain Relief

Many people have problems with their backs. It is a fact that there is more time missed from work due to lower back pain. With lower back pain relief, you can learn to function again during the pain period. There are many things that can happen to us as we age and a weakening of our back muscles is very common. There are many things we can do to try and prevent lower back pain, but when it does occur we need to address some important issues. More and more children are experiencing lower back pain due to overweight problems. In this article you will learn some ways of getting lower back pain relief and some ways of trying to prevent the problem in the first place.

Believe it or not, lower back pain relief can be achieved through exercise. Yes it is very painful at first, but it is very important to keep the muscles stretched and exercised when you are experiencing lower back pain. The first thing we want to do is nothing at all. We tend to protect that area because it hurts, but what we are doing is allowing the muscles to become shorter and inflamed. Once the pain hits, we assume the sit still position and what happens is that the healing process is slowed down or impaired because we hurt. Lower back pain relief may take some endurance on your part, but to avoid permanent damage you must press on.

There are many different things you can take for lower back pain relief. One of the most obvious types of pain relief is through medication and many people will at first have to go that route. The problem is that many of the medications prescribed for lower back pain are very addictive and you can become hooked on the medication before you know it. If you can endure the pain, try taking less addictive drugs such as ibuprophen first, which is an anti inflammatory too. When we get an injury, usually the surrounding areas will become inflamed. This is how our body protects itself, but an anti inflammatory will help alleviate that problem and help promote healing to take place. Lower back pain relief can be just as simple as taking an anti inflammatory instead of a narcotic.

There are other lower back pain relief methods that don't require the use of medications or they can work in conjunction with medications. Heating pads or wraps can be very helpful when you are experiencing lower back pain. You do need to take it easier while your back is healing, but not be sedentary all together. While you are resting, you can sit against a heating pad or you can buy the over the counter heat wraps that you simply wrap around your waist line and once you do this it is activated and heats up. These types of wraps will last for quite awhile so you can get lower back pain relief as you go about your duties. There are many other forms of lower back pain relief that don't require medicating.

If you need more Back Pain answers then quickly head over to where you will find helpful back pain tips, advice and resources including information on chronic back pain, lower back pain, and Lower Back Pain Relief information.